Monday, April 6, 2015

Sales Statements

(First name of prospect), I want to get a gauge of our conversation,
what are you immediate thoughts?"
What makes the most sense to you today?
I can understand why you would have no interest if you haven't first heard the benefits?
"In the absence of knowledge your customers and prospects will always focus on price."
"You're so expensive!"

"What or who are you comparing us to?"
"I've heard others respond in the exact same way, but then when we sit down and compare similar products and services we are able to significantly (Insert a benefit statement here)."
"What do you most like about (Insert the name of your prospect's vendor here)?

What do you least like about (Insert the name of your prospect's vendor here)?"
"(Insert the first name of your prospect here), when you say that you don't want the hassle in switching, can you expand on that?"
“This is the last time we’ll be able to extend this offer and we need your answer now.”
“My boss told me that this pricing expires December 31 at midnight.”
“I’ll talk with my boss and if he okays the terms, could we have the purchase order?
“Our new price list is coming out next week, and I can’t hold these current prices for you after that.”

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